
7 Bad Habits Which Negatively Affect Your Vaginal Health

Often times, we, women, pay a lot of attention to our looks which includes taking care of our physique and even our skin. But what about our nether regions? Topics like sexual health and upkeep of our private parts get pushed to a corner precisely because there is a slight hesitation or stigma attached to these topics. One feels really uncomfortable asking someone about it. But ladies, I want to tell you that your vaginal health is as, if not more, important as maintaining a perfect visage. After all, a happy vajayjay means a happy you. To make you better equipped to take care of your lady parts and help you keep it in the perfect ten conditions, we decided to do a little bit of research. While doing this research, we found that a few of our everyday habits spell disaster for the health of our front bottoms. Curious to know what they are? Here you go- 1. Washing It Before you say anything, we aren’t saying you should never clean it under the hood. What we are saying is, cleanin...

How To Get Rid of White Fat Bumps Around Eyes Naturally

The small white bumps on your skin which usually appear around your nose, cheeks or eyes are called milia. They’re also known as milk spots and are quite common in babies. They happen as a result of keratin getting trapped under the skin. Milk spots can often happen after some skin care treatment like laser treatments, steroid creams, sun exposure, burns or blisters. As they’re nothing serious and have no unwanted side-effects on your overall health if you have milk spots don’t be alarmed. They may not pose a health risk but they are still unpleasant to look at and many people would like to get rid of them. Luckily for you, there are a few very effective natural remedies you can use to get rid of milk spots and we’ll share with you a couple of them: 7 EFFECTIVE NATURAL REMEDIES FOR MILIA (MILK SPOTS) Oatmeal Oatmeal is an excellent remedy for milk spots. Grind oatmeal with a spice grinder, you can grind a larger amount and store it for later use, for this remedy you’ll on...

If You Have A Letter ‘M’ On The Palm Of Your Hand, THIS Is What It Means

Palmistry is an ancient technique of telling a person’s fortune based on the lines on their palm. A palm reader will take the hand of the subject and, while looking closely at their palm, they will start telling the subject’s past and future through the placement of the lines and shapes on their palm. There are 3 main lines that give the palm reader the most information about a person. These lines are the Life Line, the Heart Line, and the Head Line. All people have these 3 basic lines, but not many have a letter “M” that is formed out of these 3 lines that intertwine in a specific way. Look closely at your palms. If you have the letter “M”, you can find it in the middle of your palm. Not all people have this letter, but those who have it, might have it on one or on both hands, and it has a special meaning. To find if you have “M” on your hand, first, look closely at your Life Line – this line is the one that curls from your palm edge between your forefinger and your thumb to t...

4 Private Part Tips Every Woman Should Know

As we grow older, it seems that there is almost nothing we do not know about keeping our bodies clean, especially when it comes to your private parts. Yet, the thing is, all the information we get is mostly about different products to use to keep ourselves clean, while in fact our bodies are designed so perfectly that there is barely anything you need to keep it clean. That is why we decided to have a closer look at what you actually need when it comes to your personal hygiene. As it turned out, there are only 4 things you need to keep in mind to stay clean and healthy. What is more, there is no need to spend lots of money on various hygiene products since in fact, they are useless. 1. CLEANING Women are obsessed with keeping their vaginas clean, there is nothing wrong with it. The thing is, that to keep it clean you need only warm water and some mild soap, all the rest is not only unnecessary but also may be harmful to you. Your lady part is programmed to self-cleanse, and ...

Get Rid of Nail Fungus Forever – 2 Ingredient Recipe

A fungal nail occurs when a fungus attacks a toenail, a fingernail or the skin under the nail. Any part of the body can be affected by the fungal infections. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), toenails are more often affected by the fungal infections than the fingernails, because they are usually confined to the shoes and are in moist, warm environment. If you are healthy, the fungal infection will not cause any serious problems. But, it can be hurtful, look awful or damage the nails. Get Rid of Nail Fungus Forever You can get rid of nail fungus with this natural remedy. It contains only 2 ingredients: apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda will not kill the fungus, but it will surely prevent it from spreading and growing. The apple cider vinegar makes it difficult for the fungus to survive because it is naturally acidic. Do not worry, it will not damage the surrounding skin and nail. You need:     4-5 tablespoons baking ...

What Your Sleeping Position With A Patner Says About Your Relationship

The things we use subconsciously can say a lot about us. For instance, when we sleep, the sleeping position and the dreams can say a lot about us. Moreover, if you sleep with your partner, the most usual sleeping position you have can indicate what kind of relationship you have. Hence, we decided to list the most common couple sleeping positions and their meaning. Take a look and learn something new about you and your relationship. THE CHASE This is a common couple sleeping position. It either indicates that one person is in pursuit of the other or that one partner does not feel like being in a close relationship, while the other one insists. The name itself indicates the meaning of this sleep position. THE TANGLE There is a lot of intimacy going on in this sleeping position. That’s why it is extremely rare! It is typical at the beginning of a romantic relationship. It indicates that the partners are too dependent on each other to sleep apart. THE UNRAVELING KNOT Thi...


Men and women are from different worlds. We are drawn to each other but at the same time we are so different. Men and women try to figure each other out but still remain a mystery to each other. It has probably been conceived by the universe! We have always been tormented by the question:“what kind of woman is ideal for men?”. It is important to note that every man is special and he has different tastes and preferences. That is why for every man an ideal woman looks different. Although men and women communicate and express their emotions in different ways, there is one thing that is true for everyone. Everyone wants to love and be loved! Well, if you want to understand men and who they like,we have something for you. Today we have prepared a list of types of women which men like the most. Let’s check them out! 1. CHILDISH WOMAN Men like this type of woman. They think that such women are cheerful, joyous and playful. It is cool to be in love like children! 2. MYSTERIO...